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Hey HEY!

Here's some important information you should know about the Profitable Portfolio Builder!


After purchasing, you'll receive two emails within 10 minutes. The first email will be your invoice, and the second email will contain a username and password that will allow you to access and download the ebook. Please check your spam and promotional boxes if you do not see this information, and contact us if you haven't received it within 15 minutes.


You have 15 days to try the Profitable Portfolio Builder method risk-free. If you follow the method exactly and do not book any portfolio building sessions from this method, we will gladly refund your money. You can easily implement this method and get booked portfolio building sessions within 5 days or less.


In order to receive a refund, you will have to send us proof that you've used the method outlined in our ebook without booking any sessions from it. We also require a copy of your invoice and will have you verify in writing that you've deleted all associated materials. We do this because we believe strongly that if you follow our method step-by-step you will see results.

Refunds MUST be submitted through our refund request form within 15 days of purchase at http://www.themoderntog.com/info/refunds

Please note, no refunds will be made after 15 days of purchase for any reason. No exceptions.